
Find a Roommate @ your library

"I'm looking for the book Cohousing."

"Ok, it's checked out right now, but I can put you on the waiting list for it."

"I'm interested in talking to the person who has the book. Can you attach my information and let them know?"


"You know, since they are interested in cohousing, I would like to talk to them and see if we could get together."

"No. That is not a service we provide."

Great concept! We're working on exactly that sort of thing in our matching service on our new website (current one is here). In the meantime, perhaps you can meet others through East Bay Cohousing (EBCOHO) events and meetings, sign up via the MeetUp group, and get connected.

Raines Cohen
Cohousing Association of the United States (Coho/US)

P.S. If you'd rather not wait at the library, we've got most cohousing books available, some at a discount.
Yes! You took my line- that's not a service we provide!
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